If anyone has ideas for other cruises, please give 2025 Fleet Captain Jim Kiley a call so it can be organized and added to the Cruise Schedule. After the cruise, the cruise leader is asked to write a short paragraph or two about the event for our SIYC Solomon Sez Newsletter. Members can find F/C Jim Kiley's contact information in the Members Only Membership Directory or just talk to him at the Club. Another option is to email FCSIYC@gmail.com
2025 Tentative Cruise Schedule
Note you may view the venues for each cruise
by clicking on the destination link
May 18 SIYC Opening Day, Blessing of the Fleet
(Fleet Captain: Jim Kiley)
Aug 22-24 Cruise to SIYC SIYC
Sep 27 SIYC Ted Evans Poker Run (Leader: Sharon Hayden)
Dec 13 SIYC Lighted Boat Parade (Fleet Captain: Jim Kiley)